Yoga for dry eyes?  You bet!

Time on the yoga mat may be a source of relief for dry eyes. Last December, research published in the journal, Head & Face Medicine, hinted that yoga can soothe irritated eyes. Scientists in Bangalore, India, enrolled 291 employees of a software company, all of whom spent at least six hours a day in front of a computer. (Sound familiar?)

The researchers assigned half the group to a yoga class that met for an hour a day, five days a week. The class included asana (yoga poses), pranayama (breathwork), and guided relaxation. Those in the other group spent equal time in the company’s recreation center talking to friends, working out, and watching TV. By study’s end, the yogis reported a 30 percent decline in eye problems like dry eye; eye complaints increased in the other group. The authors note that relaxed people blink more, which moistens the eyes.


To read more about the research: