by Sandy | Mar 8, 2023 | Magic of Yoga and Meditation, Newsletter
Notice the Light Within Each Person “Inside of you is a light that can never be extinguished or soiled—it’s pure and clear, and its embers are stoked by love. The warm feelings that you enjoy are fueled by this internal spark. Take a moment right now to see the flame...
by Sandy | Nov 14, 2020 | Empower Your Yoga Practice, Magic of Yoga and Meditation, Newsletter
Hello everyone! Hope you’re settling into the cooler weather and finding ways to enjoy the season. Since I last wrote to you, we’ve had a record snow fall (yay?)! My post this month centers on ancestral DNA which I find fascinating. At the end, I’ve...
by Sandy | Jun 30, 2020 | Magic of Yoga and Meditation, Newsletter
Hello everyone! I hope this finds you healthy and safe especially since my June blog is all about finding a sense of safety. Feeling safe is the prescription. Thank you so much for having subscribed to my newsletter. I so appreciate each and every one of you! As a...
by Sandy | May 30, 2020 | Empower Your Yoga Practice, Magic of Yoga and Meditation, Newsletter, Trauma-informed
Hello everyone! Hope you are all staying safe and healthy during this time! Spring is blooming in our neighborhood. How about yours? This month I had the absolute honor and privilege to be a guest blogger for my colleague, Dani, at (She has since...
by Sandy | Nov 8, 2018 | Celebrating the Goddess Within, Magic of Yoga and Meditation, Newsletter
Just prior to my Thursday 10 AM yoga class at NOLA’s, I always take a few moments for alternate nostril breath which balances the nervous system, pranayama mudras, and a little loving kindness meditation. It helps bring me to center and be the kind of yoga teacher I...
by Sandy | Oct 24, 2018 | Magic of Yoga and Meditation
I’ve shared before that a student of mine suddenly noticed in her down dog that her feet looked just like her mom’s. Ever since then, I’ve used that as a pondering question in class. Who’s feet do you have? Which ancestor has passed those traits on to you? Invite your...