Kriya by definition is something you do for a definite outcome.  In Sanskrit, it means “action, deed or effort.”

This month I am focusing on Kundalini Yoga.  I teach Hatha yoga.  Kundalini Yoga is another form of yoga.  Both forms of yoga are meant to increase awareness and increase the energy within the body.  This energy is sometimes referred to as Kundalini energy.  Read more about Kundalini in the “Chakrascope” section this month.

Kriyas are an essential aspect of Kundalini Yoga. So rather than highlight a yoga pose, in general, I’m highlighting the following Kriyas.

I’ve often reminded my readers to approach what I present with an open mind, take what resonates with them, and discard the rest.  I’ve also paraphrased author, Dr. Wayne Dyer, by saying that if I warn you something is about to sound odd, then it’s like a “pass” of sorts.  If you are knew to yoga, and even if you are knew to “Kundalini Yoga”, Kriyas may, at first, seem different than what you’re used to.

I challenge you to remember the first time you learned the steps to a spiritual practice in your personal history. I can still remember my soon-to-be sister-in-law asking me why we kneeled when we did and stood when we did in church. She didn’t understand the process. That may be a bit of a simplistic analogy, but you get the idea.

Just as a forward fold stretches your hamstrings (physical), rejuvenates the nervous system (energetic), grounds you and calms you back to your “center”—connecting you to something “more” (spiritual); Kriyas have similar physical, energetic and spiritual benefits.  And why wouldn’t they?

So if you want more energy, creativity, and prosperity in your life, I suspect you would be willing to find unique ways to invite them in—yes?  Enjoy!

Kriyas are “A series of one or more exercises or postures in combination with pranayama, locks, chanting, visualization, projection, etc., in specific sequence designed to produce specific effects. Kundalini Yoga kriyas are centuries old. The total effect of a kriya is greater than the sum of its parts. ‘Kriya’ literally means ‘work’ or ‘action’.”

Don’t forget the importance of warming up prior to doing the set below.  Do a few rounds of sun salutations, march in place, stretch or do any combination of safe warm-up exercises to get the body warm and flexible.

is the Adi Mantra that precedes Kundalini Yoga practice, tuning one in to the higher self. Ong is “Infinite Creative energy in manifestation and activity”. (“Om” or Aum is God absolute and unmanifested), Namo is “reverent greetings’ implying humility, Guru means “teacher or wisdom”, Dev means “Divine or of God” and Namo reaffirms humility and reverence. In all it means, “I call upon Divine Wisdom”.  Here is a wonderful version to listen to:



1.      Energize.  Sit in Easy Pose with eyes closed. Bring the arms out to the sides and raise them until they form a “V” shape. The fingers are pressing against the mounds of the palms with the thumbs pointing up. Begin Breath of Fire for 3 minutes (see “Breathwork” in the Chakrascope section for a description of “Breath of Fire”). Inhale and hold the breath. Quickly begin to make fists of the hands, first with the thumbs inside the fists, then outside. Alternate rapidly as you hold the breath for 15 seconds. Then, with the hands in the original position, slowly bring the thumbs together overhead. Time your movement so that the thumbs meet when you can no longer hold the breath. Slowly lower the arms in an arc around you as you exhale deeply. Sit for 1 minute, breathing slowly.


This exercise is revitalizing. It enhances charisma and makes you radiant.

2.      Creativity.  Still sitting in Easy Pose, make hands into fists and bring them to the sides of the body at chest level with the elbows pressed back. Extend your chest out. Take 5 deep breaths, then inhale deeply and hold the breath. With the breath held, begin punching the arms alternately. Get mad! When you cannot hold the breath any longer, exhale. Inhale and repeat the powerful punching motion with the held breath. Exhale. Inhale and repeat 1 more time for a total of 3 times. Then sit, eyes closed and breathe as slowly as you can for 2 minutes. Stretch and relax.


This exercise activates the fire in you to spark creativity. 

3.      Prosperity.  Sit in Easy Pose. Keep the spine straight. Look at the center of your chin through your closed eyes or look at the tip of your nose through partially closed eyes. Inhale deeply and hold, suspending the breath while you mentally recite, “I am bountiful, I am blissful, I am beautiful.” Exhale all the breath out, then, suspend the breath out as you mentally say, “Excel, excel, fearless.” Practice this for 3 minutes at a time. Feel free to practice 3, 4, or more times a day for 3 minutes each time.

This combination of breathing technique and powerful affirmation opens the mental and vibrational doors to prosperity. 


  • Energize exercise is revitalizing. It enhances charisma and makes you radiant
  • Creativity exercise activates the fire in you to spark creativity
  • Prosperity exercise combination of breathing technique and powerful affirmation opens the mental and vibrational doors to prosperity.

Contraindicated for:

  • Those with uncontrolled high blood pressure should not hold their breath. Always consult your doctor before attempting any pose to rule out any contraindications which may prevent you from doing it.

Sources:   Kundalini Yoga, by Shakta Kaur Khalsa, as well as:

© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan – All Rights Reserved
All teachings, yoga sets, techniques, kriyas and meditations courtesy of The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan. Reprinted with permission. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of these Teachings may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted in writing by the The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan. To request permission, please write to KRI at PO Box 1819, Santa Cruz, NM 87567 or see