As hard as it is to say goodbye to summer, the rituals of Autumn hold our hand as we journey into the cooler seasons, helping us ease into cooler weather—like putting on a warm sweater. The Autumnal celebrations are a healing balm for our soul.
Winter is a time of introspection. It is a time to cocoon inward as we transform into our next evolution of what the Universe has in store as our next expression.
Halloween recalls the magic of donning the childhood gypsy costume to embody the energy of THAT persona as it might express itself through me. And scarecrows reminds me of the importance of having a big heart in all that I do—a la Wizard of Oz. Scarecrow helps me remember everything you ever really need is always there inside of you, right at home. The inner child awakens. The magic is here. Crack open the magic!
These decorations bring out my inner child, giggles and all. What brings out yours?
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Sandy Krzyzanowski
Better Day Yoga, LLC
Brooklyn Park, MN 55443-3990
(612) 708 6900