Scientific studies have shown that real relaxation and yoga nidra helps with a variety of physical and mental problems. It can boost your immune system, lower blood pressure, and decrease pain.
Here you’ll find some answers to frequently asked questions about Yoga Nidra compliments of Julie Lusk’s PDF referenced below.
What is Yoga Nidra?
Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique that yoga sages have been using for thousands of years. Yoga Nidra means “yogic sleep.” Yoga Nidra refers to a state of consciousness and not to a particular technique. It’s a state of conscious deep sleep that goes far beyond deep relaxation to a place of intrinsic peace and quiet. It’s a glorious place where awareness remains yet the thinking mind withdraws. What’s experienced is awareness without words, thoughts, images, feelings and other sensations.
It’s where our innate wisdom, intelligence and intuition naturally reside.
Is Yoga Nidra different from meditation and hypnosis?
Yes. In meditation, we stay awake and notice, observe and remain undisturbed when thoughts, words, feelings, beliefs, and images appear and disappear. In hypnosis, we’re in a brain wave state that is not as deep as in yoga nidra. With hypnosis, someone else makes suggestions to us in this altered state. In Yoga Nidra, positive suggestions originate and come from within ourselves for lasting and constructive change. This is called setting a resolve, or sankalpa.
What are the benefits of Yoga Nidra?
With regular practice, your health will undoubtedly improve. Scientific studies have shown that real relaxation and yoga nidra helps with a variety of physical and mental problems. It can boost your immune system, lower blood pressure, and decrease pain. Though it’s not a substitute for sleeping, one hour of yoga nidra equals about 4 hours of typical sleep because the brain wave state we’re in is extremely restful and relaxing. You’ll enjoy living with a clear head. Eventually, mood swings and emotional upsets won’t bother you. Your creativity and intuition will flourish in a positive and productive way. Plus, your energy increases.
How is Yoga Nidra Done?
During our process of Yoga Nidra, you’ll be invited to get comfortable lying down on a yoga mat or something similar. Feel free to use a cover for warmth and pillows under your head and knees for comfort. Then, you’ll mentally follow your breath for a while. This helps you relax and clear your mind of restlessness. Next, we’ll take a conscious tour through the body. This technique is called “rotation of consciousness.” The map being used corresponds to the motor cortex in the brain. Refer to the diagram below. Using this body map strengthens all the brain/body connections and influences the brain itself. It’s been recommended to always use the same map each time Yoga Nidra is practiced. From here, we’ll use another special breathing technique that further balances your body, mind, and spirit.”
Read the full PDF, see the featured CD below, and visit Julie Lusk’s website for more luscious information on Yoga Nidra! Also, see the “Meditation On The Go” and Featured CD section of this newsletter for more on Yoga Nidra! For more articles on Yoga Nidra Research go here.