Developing Your Intuition by

The following meditation is from one of my favorite Websites, Compliments of (website no longer active) Your Knowing Breath Developing Your Intuition “My first yoga instructor taught me that you can’t hold fear in your body and breathe long and deep at...

Manifest Grace One Day at a Time

Manifest Grace One Day at a Time: At the place where you relate to your Creator in the morning, place a sign that reads, “This Day Will I Be Graceful?”  That day you will be graceful because you have asked the question and the answer is, “You Will!”  It should...

Loving Kindness Meditation

Since this month’s yoga quote suggested to “be with air” and air is associated with the heart chakra, I’ve chosen a loving kindness meditation. Here is my own personal loving kindness meditation (and since this post was initially posted, I’ve updated my website...