by Sandy | Sep 25, 2013 | Empower Your Yoga Practice
Easy Seated Pose (Sanskrit term: Sukhasana) This newsletter is about not only connecting to the energy of your ancestors, which lies in your DNA, but healing their unresolved conflicts, emotional wounds, damaging judgments, and other limitations that continue to...
by Sandy | Mar 29, 2013 | Empower Your Yoga Practice
Dolphin Pose / Forearm Down Dog / Headstand Prep This newsletter focuses on the bringing the sacred into your yoga practice and your life and highlights the Crown Chakra. Headstand pose is an excellent pose for stimulating the Crown Chakra. However, Headstand...
by Sandy | Jan 27, 2013 | Empower Your Yoga Practice
Root Lock/Lift (Sanskrit term: Mula Bandha) Root Lock/Lift (Sanskrit term: Mula Bandha) We’ve been focusing on the energetic knots or granthis, specifically the first knot located in the root chakra area. Root Lock/Lift affects your physical, energetic, and mental...
by Sandy | Oct 11, 2012 | Empower Your Yoga Practice
Locust (Sanskrit term: Salambhasana) This month’s opening section above is on using the slogans and taglines you see every day to your best advantage—as life affirming reminders. Viewing advertising as an affirmation is perhaps a new concept for you. It will take some...
by Sandy | Jul 23, 2012 | Empower Your Yoga Practice
Crescent Lunge/High Lunge/Crescent Moon (Sanskrit term: *Alanasana ) *There is no agreed upon Sanskrit name for this pose. Low Lunge: (Sanskrit term: Anjaneyasana) “Anjaneyasana is another name for Lord Hanuman, Hanuman is an incarnation of Lord Shiva who wears the...
by Sandy | May 23, 2012 | Empower Your Yoga Practice
I chose this pose to highlight the opening theme about “being your own hero”. This pose is also used as a meditation posture which makes it a perfect pose to meditate on being your own hero. Benefits: Improves circulation to the pelvis and in the feet...