by Sandy | Feb 26, 2012 | Magic of Yoga and Meditation
One of the many benefits of Yoga is reduced stress and a relaxed and clear mind. Read on as I highlight unique ways to use Yoga for stress relief and relaxation! “The antidote to stress is relaxation. To relax is to rest deeply. This rest is different from sleep. ...
by Sandy | Dec 28, 2011 | Magic of Yoga and Meditation
A HeartMath Tip: Take five minutes several times a day, whether or not you’re feeling especially stressed, to try these simple steps adapted from the HeartMath Attitude Breathing® tool. • Focus on your heart as you breathe in. • Concentrate on a positive feeling or...
by Sandy | Oct 28, 2011 | Magic of Yoga and Meditation
In the opening section we talked about medicine wheels. “An odd variation sometimes found in medicine wheels is the presence of a passageway, or a doorway, in the circles. The outer ring of stones will be broken, and there will be a stone path leading up to the center...
by Sandy | Sep 28, 2011 | Magic of Yoga and Meditation
This “meditation on the go” is similar to the “Hand Mudra” featured below for “empowering your voice” which I chose for its emphasis on “empowerment”—one of the themes from my opener. It is part of my meditation workshop. Enjoy! Coupler Pull: This is a simple...
by Sandy | Aug 28, 2011 | Magic of Yoga and Meditation
The following meditation on the go came to me via a wonderful new book in my life, Urban Mindfulness—cultivating peace, presence & purpose in the middle of it all, by Jonathan S. Kaplan, PhD. The preface to the meditation says that we’re more likely to perform an...
by Sandy | Jul 28, 2011 | Magic of Yoga and Meditation
Hari Bhajan Khalsa’s first published poem I mentioned in the opening that I used to read poems for hours when I was young. They became a meditation for me before I knew what meditation was. Just dwelling on the last line of Hari Bhajan’s poem below and what “it’s...