by Sandy | Jan 17, 2024 | Newsletter
Social media scam 800#’s, and cybercrime reports—oh my! I’ve sometimes wondered, as I’m sure many do, if scrolling on Facebook was a good use of my time but I have 15 plus years of accumulated friends, relatives and colleagues there. So it felt like home in...
by Sandy | Dec 17, 2023 | Newsletter, Off-the-Wall Musings
Magical Christmas Wishes It’s that magical time of year when believing in Christmas miracles seems….easier. I often use the New Moon as a time to make affirmations because it’s an energetic time of new beginnings. My mother and father (in-law) were salt of the earth,...
by Sandy | Mar 11, 2023 | Newsletter, Off-the-Wall Musings, Welcome to "My Better Day" Weekly Musings!
Hope is your magic. Dream is your power. More wonder, fire girl. My regular readers know that I work with my dreams and dream messages between sleep and awake. (See How Better Day Yoga got its name for a bit more detail.) I write down many of the “messages” so I...
by Sandy | Mar 8, 2023 | Newsletter, Off-the-Wall Musings, Welcome to "My Better Day" Weekly Musings!
This newsletter was first published on my old website in June 2010 as an 8 part/posts newsletter. I am takng the time now in 2023 to add the old newsletters onto my new website. I quit doing these long newsletters in 2014. I’d be curious how you like them. Each...
by Sandy | Mar 8, 2023 | Empower Your Yoga Practice, Newsletter
Practice yoga pose Tree Pose (Sanskrit terms: Vrikshahsanna) Benefits: Strengthens the abdominals, legs, ankles, knees, hips and spine Stretches the groins and inner thighs, increasing their flexibility Stretches and strengthens chest and shoulders when reaching...
by Sandy | Mar 8, 2023 | Magic of Yoga and Meditation, Newsletter
Notice the Light Within Each Person “Inside of you is a light that can never be extinguished or soiled—it’s pure and clear, and its embers are stoked by love. The warm feelings that you enjoy are fueled by this internal spark. Take a moment right now to see the flame...