by Sandy | Jan 17, 2024 | Newsletter
Social media scam 800#’s, and cybercrime reports—oh my! I’ve sometimes wondered, as I’m sure many do, if scrolling on Facebook was a good use of my time but I have 15 plus years of accumulated friends, relatives and colleagues there. So it felt like home in...
by Sandy | Dec 17, 2023 | Newsletter, Off-the-Wall Musings
Magical Christmas Wishes It’s that magical time of year when believing in Christmas miracles seems….easier. I often use the New Moon as a time to make affirmations because it’s an energetic time of new beginnings. My mother and father (in-law) were salt of the earth,...
by Sandy | Jul 31, 2020 | Healthy News, Newsletter, Off-the-Wall Musings, Trauma-informed
Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying summer in all its glory! My husband and I have renamed our deck our new vacation spot! I’m continuing this months newsletter using the knowledge we learned last month about our vagus nerve. I hope you find it useful....
by Sandy | Apr 29, 2020 | My family history
Hello everyone! I sincerely hope this finds you all healthy and safe with this current environment! You and your families are all in my thoughts and prayers! A couple of newsletters ago I wrote about longing for a deeper connection with my grandmother’s spirits. My...
by Sandy | Feb 19, 2020 | My family history
Hello Everyone! Last month I wrote about my desire to connect deeper with my grandmothers’ spirits. Recapping, I haven’t met any of my grandparents and I don’t even have a photo of my maternal grandparents. They’ve all since passed. I only have the knowing that my mom...
by Sandy | Jan 22, 2020 | My family history
I have never met my grandmothers. My maternal grandmother, Zofia (Sofia), died in Poland when my mom was just 13. I don’t even have a photo of her; but given how much I look like my mom and her sister, I have to believe we acquired our looks from Zofia. It was May,...
by Sandy | Dec 20, 2019 | Newsletter
Hello everyone! I personally celebrate and love this time of year for so many reasons and wanted to share my heart-felt thanks for your being here with me now, reading this. It means the world to me to have you on the other end. Really it does. Thank you for all that...
by Sandy | Aug 22, 2019 | Magical Events at Better Day Yoga LLC, Newsletter
Hello everyone! Summer’s almost over and I’ve been busy! Great news! My website has been undergoing an upgrade behind the scenes these past few months. So I’ve been holding off on my blog while contributing toward that effort. I am super excited! One of the new free...