My Christmas Card List

I love this time of year. Magic permeates the very air we breathe. It’s in the Christmas trees all lit up with sparkly lights and decorated with personal mementos of Christmases past. Have you noticed the Christmas energy emanating from your tree during the season?...

Crack Open the Magic!

As hard as it is to say goodbye to summer, the rituals of Autumn hold our hand as we journey into the cooler seasons, helping us ease into cooler weather—like putting on a warm sweater. The Autumnal celebrations are a healing balm for our soul. Winter is a time of...

Let’s start something amazing at Nola’s!

Let’s start something amazing at Nola’s! A little over six years ago the building my yoga studio was located at in Roseville, MN was bought out by a nursing home; and my second location’s owner lost her lease. She moved to a location with no room for yoga....